Saturday 13 April 2013

Renewable Energy in Cyprus

What is energy? -The ability to do work, a physicist would say. The ability to move, walk, cook, drive a car, use a computer, turn on the lights. All these actions require energy.

-Most of the energy we exercise comes from fossil fuels. Petrol, kerosine,natural gas etc. provide us with energy. Usually we convert the chemical energy of the fuels to electricity by burning the
m. This however produces large amounts of Carbon Dioxide which are released in the atmosphere, enhancing the greenhouse effect.

-In order to decrease the emissions of carbon dioxide, other alternative, renewable and green sources of energy must be used. Such energy sources include:
Solar energy
Wind energy

-Here in Cyprus though we cannot effectively use Hydroelectricity since there are no medium to large rivers to harvest their potential energy.

-Although wind energy has started to be used in Cyprus, it accounts for a small percentage of electricity produced, and large scale electricity production wind energy is improbable.

-Solar energy is used to heat water (for house utilities) virtually in every house. However solar energy in Cyprus can be used much more extensively.

-So, since Cyprus has sunshine during most of the year (at least 300 days a year and 3300 - 3500 sunshine hours a year), solar energy has the potential to power the entire island.

-Even though the efficiency of solar cells is fairly low (up to 14%) it can be effectively used in Cyprus, either in large scales or for individual households. Even though solar cells are expensive, in the long run they can cover their own costs and even provide profit, since the electricity costs of the house can fall to zero

To conclude solar energy has the potential to achieve the desirable amount of energy required to power the whole island and to meet the expectations of the European union.

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